Very difficult to get any serious philosophizing done in this oppressive atmosphere, 'An Invitation to the Reinvigoration of Fundamental Schemata' may need to wait till the Fall, but then the harvest festivals will be calling. The intersection of five major sign systems isn't a very restful place, not complaining, mind. In the meantime, I've been roaming the Firmament in search of portents, doesn't look too good, I'm afraid, for any of us. My prescription- old-timey movies & strong drink. Typically, I've been subsisting on BBC mysteries & soda pop, no wonder I feel out of sorts.
Also drank about a quart of aronia berry juice earlier, think it may have made me a bit aronic, should pass soon.
While on the subject of secret signs & Santas (sorry if I frighten, my dyslexic friends), go see the last ever art show at Gallery TK in downtown Northampton tomorrow evening, 'Christmas is the new black', 8-11, video at 8:30, undoubtedly universally accessible dance music after, hurrah!- here's the advert:

After all that, I have a plan involving cartoon bunnies drawn with sidewalk chalk & necromancy if anyone's interested.
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