Saturday, July 15, 2006

So some sinister character shut off the A/C in the new Amherst office & none of us knew how to turn it on, so Zombo it is. Several near brushes with death/maiming which, sadly, didn't quite pan out- falling monitor, head trauma, the usual. I think everything is ready for our beloved reporting staff to move in on Monday, ooooooom-ray.

Parents will be arriving shortly, going to head back to Amherst to meet them for dinner in a little bit, just did a bit of rehydration via tangerine juice, going to go walk the dog & get dehydrated again.

Let's do the poetry of the unconscious
like the kids are shaking it,
yeah, shaking it!
Deform the obsolescents &
shake it again,
in snake line formation,
joining our precious hands.

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