Monday, October 02, 2006

Sitting at work feeling like I'm going to vomit, sneezed a little while ago & my nose started bleeding, feel like I've received multiple swift kicks to the temple. I know I should be taking better care of myself, pretty sure I'm not capable of it & need looking after, deeply unlikely that I'll allow anyone to do so, the only vacuum cleaner that doesn't lose suction.

Remembering a couple of scifi books about a dyson sphere (the so-called 'Saga of Cuckoo') by Frederick Pohl & Jack Williamson that had a deep impact on me when I was very young- the thing that made the biggest impression was the use of instantaneous matter transport that made copies of people elsewhere rather than just moving people from place to place, always thought such technology would fit in well in a TV series as it would allow one to horribly kill beloved characters over & over again.

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