Sunday, October 01, 2006

Just drove past groups of the devout (well, more devout than me, anyway) walking home from synagogue. Touching, in a way, though I imagine most of it is based more in a lack of genuine religious feeling than anything else- me, I've got plenty & nothing much to do with it outside of satire, parody, travesty, farce. What does one do with mystical experiences when one doesn't have a hook to hang them on? Be a bit crazy & have everybody misunderstand your motivations, seems like.

Was pretty satisfying writing poem earlier though I was none too pleased with the result, should maybe try to do more, they do take a lot out of me & I fall in ruts easily, we'll see what happens.

There is a crack in the world & I can't tell if the evil is flowing in or out, but a lot of it seems to be getting splashed all over me in either case. It's always seemed to me that people loving each other should be easy, the most natural thing in the world & that when it isn't, alien forces are at work. The invasion has begun, I guess- get out your headcolds & water pistols if it'll make you feel better.

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