Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Was just talking with a friend about reading about 'The Erotic Adventures of Pinocchio' as a child, "it isn't his nose that grows." The 70s were a very innocent time, elementary school calisthenics to 'Superfreak', 'Le Freak', etc. 'Free to be you and me' in the school library, mildly subversive school librarian reading us Shel Silverstein, reading 'James & the Giant Peach' over and over again & all of Robert Heinlein's books, going to see 'Life of Brian', 'Alien' with my mom, finding bug covered pornographic magazines under logs in the woods near where the Boy Scouts met, where did it all go wrong?

Street in front of our house torn up for senior center plumbing installation, lots of beeping and scraping, the world become dentist's office.

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