Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Brooding about hotel planned for the Roundhouse lot while walking Peretz, I'm told people may be making some progress on getting it to be less of an eyesore, doesn't change the fact that a playground is being ripped out to enable still more rich hoohas to come & clog our streets in search of middlebrow tchachkas & bad Italian food.

Don't know, guess I think encouraging the growth of actual industry might make more sense, the plan seems to be preparing for our being a seaside resort by 2050, likely enough I suppose, the real bellwether will be the opening of Mexican/pizza restaurants, maybe it's already happened, been kind of distracted lately.

Also did some brooding about how frustrating I find it being so difficult, it's a bit of a dilemma, strong need to be useful to people, that's how I'm most useful, but people tend not to care much for it. On with the relentless critical rigor, I guess, doesn't mean I don't love you, means I do, actually, funny way of showing it is all.

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