Thursday, September 21, 2006

Went to see if I could help rescue squash crop from frost, turned out it had already been rescued. Went to get some coffee with pals in Amherst instead, got what I'm pretty sure was first comment on haircut by non-associate (likely insane raggedy man on Amherst common said I looked like I was headed for a golf course, yellow shirt probably didn't help). After coffee, got soup, pastries. Chill air seems to be having an effect on my demeanor, expect cutting comments, arch observations.

Should start working on a poem for the equinox, already behind schedule on some sonnets/gematria sudokus, muses mostly don't return my calls, go figure.

Peretz wolfed down dinner, now wants to go go go. Cold offers an excuse to don teddy bear pin adorned hoodie, reprise ever popular role of lovable eccentric. See you in the funny pages.

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