Saturday, September 09, 2006

Still can't sleep, too busy composing pissy memoranda in my head.

80s remake of 'Cat People' on TV, for some reason forever associated with 'The Eyes of Laura Mars' and a nautically themed restaurant I used to frequent as a child. Oh, hell, now I've got a bunch of 80s songs involving eyes stuck in my head along with Men at Work's 'Who Can It Be Now?' which I once saw them perform on TV, the singer made broad gestures with his eyes.

Thinking about various things Deleuze wrote about the face, here, read a sample.

I was sad as a child, but not in the same way I am now, making it seem a golden age sometimes, desire to leave this world for another has been one constant, now Benny Profane's little 'if the world is all that the case is' song passes by, copy of 'V.' sitting on the back of a toilet at my parents' house, left it there years ago, read it when there, it's been a while.

Girl I knew in high school who had a little ankh with a blade in it, like in 'The Hunger', was thinking the other day of how many future novelists will have been weaned on Anne Rice novels, kind of a horrible thought.

Hopeless, I'm hopeless.

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