Friday, August 17, 2007

T's gone.

Lots of last minute packing this morning, rode down to the airport with her & her parents, taking last minute snapshots of valley scenery with her digital camera. Driving through Springfield, her father asked me, "Have you read '84', by Orwell?" Said I had. He's concerned about the surveillance society. Told him that as one with a bit of an insider's perspective on that, I too was concerned.

Airport's more of a police state every time I go, new giant x-ray machines, always more security. Extremely cute, aged golden lab, laying about wagging his tail, working for the man, everybody was tearing up a bit, said goodbye, T passed through security & was gone. As we left the building, I gave her mom a cigarette.

Texting with T on the ride home, recommending she get a ginger ale once airborne, refreshing, what I always do.

Spent some time at her folks' house after, eating, drinking vodka, tea, talking about T's prospects, Mideast politics. T sent smses to her mom & I almost simultaneously, indicating her arrival in DC, I think she's getting to California around 11.

Home again now, lots of tidying up to do, lots of vegetables to cook for myself. Peretz doesn't know what's happened yet. Beautiful outside, going to go out with him shortly.

I think this is going to be good for her, but I'm damn sad. Crying like a baby, actually.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

please don't cry