Friday, September 17, 2010

Turns out, whale watch was available despite choppy seas, totally fucking amazing, big crowds of humpbacks, apparently friskier than usual due to the waves, lots of jumping & frolicking, still feel a bit giddy.

After that, South African snack, bought some sale brown beach towels with pink polkadots.

These are a few of my favorite flavors: strawberry, chocolate, vanilla. That last one's a killer.

Came home to find Pickles had caused significant damage to a door and frame, sigh, poor nervous pup, poor us.

Watching 10,000 BC, girls just headed across the street for some nice Thai while I stay and keep the dogs company. They're bringing back Crazy Noodles for me, perennial favorite.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

where was peretz while pickles was damaging the door??? not keeping brother pickles good company, apparently. what's in crazy noodles?